When you are invited,
go and take
the lowest place
so that when the host
comes to you he may say,
‘My friend, move up
to a higher position.’
Then you will enjoy
the esteem of your
companions at the table.
(Luke 14:10)
The gifts and the call of God are irrevocable (Rom 11:29). Blessed the man whom You instruct, O Lord, whom by Your law you teach, giving him rest from evil days. For the Lord will not cast off his people, nor abandon his inheritance; but judgment shall again be with justice, and all the upright of heart shall follow it. (Ps. 94:12-15)
On a sabbath Jesus went to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees, and the people there were observing him carefully. He told a parable to those who had been invited, noticing how they were choosing the places of honor at the table. “When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not recline at table in the place of honor. A more distinguished guest than you may have been invited by him, and the host who invited both of you may approach you and say, ‘Give your place to this man,’ and then you would proceed with embarrassment to take the lowest place. Rather, when you are invited, go and take the lowest place so that when the host comes to you he may say, ‘My friend, move up to a higher position.’ Then you will enjoy the esteem of your companions at the table. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Lk 14:1, 7-11)
I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you will not become wise in your own estimation (Rom 11:25). Has God rejected His people? Of course not! God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew. (Rom 11:1-2) Hence I ask, did they stumble so as to fall? Of course not! But through their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make them jealous. Now if their transgression is enrichment for the world, and if their diminished number is enrichment for the Gentiles, how much more their full number. (Rom 11:11-12) Thus all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The deliverer will come out of Zion, he will turn away godlessness from Jacob; and this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins. (Rom 11:26-27)
Were not the Lord my help, I would soon dwell in the silent grave. When I say, “My foot is slipping,” your mercy, O Lord, sustains me. (Ps 94:17-18)
November 4, 2023, 9:29 AM