Saturday, October 14, 2023

Justice and Judgment


October 14, 2020

Clouds and darkness are round about Him, 
justice and judgment are the foundation of His throne. 
PSALM 97:2

Near is the day of the Lord in the valley of decision (Jl 4:14). And then, on that day, the mountains shall drip new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk; and the channels shall flow with water: a fountain shall issue from the house of the Lord, to water the Valley (Jl 4:18). 

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.” (Lk 11:28)

Thus says the Lord: "Let the nations bestir themselves and come up to the Valley; for there I will sit in judgment upon all the neighboring nations. Apply the sickle, for the harvest is ripe; come and tread, for the wine press is full; the vats overflow, for great is their malice. Then shall you know that I, the Lord, am your God, dwelling on Zion, my holy mountain; Jerusalem shall be holy, and strangers shall pass through her no more. I will avenge their blood, and not leave it unpunished." (Jl 4:12-13,17,21)

The Lord is a refuge to His people, a stronghold to the children of Israel (Jl 4:16). Egypt shall be a waste, and Edom a desert waste, because of violence done to the people of Judah, because they shed innocent blood in their land. But Judah shall abide forever, and Jerusalem for all generations. (Jl 4:19-20)

The heavens proclaim His justice, and all peoples see His glory (Ps 97:6). The Lord is king; let the earth rejoice; let the many isles be glad (Ps 97:1).

Light dawns for the just; and gladness, for the upright of heart. Be glad in the Lord, you just, and give thanks to His holy name. (Ps 97:11-12)