Monday, June 3, 2024

Work in the Way of Truth


Good and upright is the Lord; thus He shows sinners the way.  
He guides the humble to justice, he teaches the humble his way. 
All the paths of the Lord are kindness and constancy 
toward those who keep His covenant and His decrees.
PSALM 25 : 8-10

The scriptures hold the power of God to work mightily in your daily life in the world. Your way of life must always be centered and grounded on God's Word so that you may not be misled. People who pretend to know all things actually knows nothing when it comes to the truth and reality of things.

Today, the Lord makes known to you His Ways and guides you to His Truth. In your work, always be guided by the pathways of the Lord. The ways and paths of the Lord are the "Pathways" that would lead you to the fulfillment of God's will and purpose for your life. 

Prayer and reading the scriptures are the basic and essential elements of unleashing the power and works of God. It is the time set by the Lord for you to have a one on one meeting with Him as your Boss. Keep in mind that you are in the presence of the Almighty God and Creator of all things visible and invisible. Always ask in a suppliant manner, knowing and believing that only the Lord can make all your dreams and wishes come true.

God's hand pushes you beyond your limits and leads you to unchartered territories where dreams become real. He wants you to "think out of the box" so that you may discover His vast riches that were all made available for you. Do not miss out on anything and pay equal attention to all works at hand regardless of its size.

Regardless of who you are and what you are, God loves you. This a time when the Lord sends His angel Raphael to heal your illnesses and relationships. He also removes all evil spirits that are causing you to have a breakdown in your physical well-being, work, and relationships.

June 03, 2023, 7:49 AM