Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Love the Lord and Love Others as Yourself


Construction of Pavilion
June 12, 2021

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, 
with all your mind, and with all your strength. 
You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’"
MARK 12 : 30-31

Today is the day to walk in the way of God and enjoy your love relationship with Him. Love is the only reason behind all of God's Work. Love bears all and endures all. At the end of the day, love will always prevail. Share your blessings with others out of love, compassion, and mercy. 

Out of love, Jesus followed and obeyed all of the Father's will. He does things not of His own but whatever pleases the Father. His act of obedience is an expression of His great love for the Father. In return, the Father loves Him so much that He was given power and dominion above all things in the world and beyond.

Out of love, God gave you a helping hand in the person of your wife who supports all your works and undertakings. Take your wife by the hand and give her what is due her. Set aside what belongs to you and what belongs to your wife. Your marriage has been decided in heaven and for this reason, you both shall live in God's mercy and peace, living happily together until your old age. Know this for sure, "the Lord will look after you both and shall prosper you both".

In your work, there will always be opposition and the way to overcome its negative effects is to focus on love. His Spirit moves you to work things out in accordance with His will. He gives you wisdom where sound ideas keep pouring to accomplish any task at hand. You are wise to understand these things and prudent enough to know them. 

God will give you whatever you ask for. You were called to a holy life not according to your works but according to the Lord's own design and grace. God has relieved your shoulder of the burden; unseen, He answered you.

June 4, 2023, 7:30 AM