do not be afraid
to take Mary your wife
into your home."
(Matthew 1:20)
Let us not be afraid to accept God’s purpose for our lives. God is with us, and He gives us His peace, which surpasses all understanding. He also gives us His strength, help, and protection, which enable us to overcome any difficulties or fears. He invites us to accept His gifts and trust in His promises. God says, "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will surely help you; I will uphold you with My right hand of righteousness." (Isaiah 41:10)
Do not be afraid to follow the Lord wherever He leads. He knows the way and He has a plan for your life. He will never leave you nor forsake you, He is faithful and true. He will guide you with His eye and His word, He is your light.
House of Angel Sealtiel CONSTRUCTION December 18, 2019 |
Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David; as king he shall reign and govern wisely, he shall do what is just and right in the land.
(Jeremiah 23:5)
Jesus is the name above all names because He is the Son of God, who came to earth as a human being, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead. He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings, who has all authority in heaven and on earth. He is the Savior of the world, who offers eternal life to all who believe in him. He is the Prince of Peace, who gives us His peace that surpasses all understanding. He is the Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Holy One, the Lamb of God, the Word of God, the Light of the World, the Bread of Life, the Good Shepherd, the True Vine, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Do not be afraid to follow the Lord wherever He leads. He will bless you and use you, He is your purpose and your reward. He will love you and delight in you, He is your Father and your friend. He will transform you and glorify you, He is your Lord and your King.
He shall have pity for the lowly and the poor; the lives of the poor he shall save. (Psalm 72:13)
God values our obedience and integrity more than our religious rituals or offerings. He wants us to act with fairness and kindness towards others, especially the poor and the oppressed. To do what is right and just is pleasing to the Lord above more than the smoke of sacrifice. He wants our hearts to show His love. To do what is right and just is how we honor and obey the One who gave His life for us and calls us to follow His way.
Do not be afraid to follow the Lord wherever He leads. He will provide for you and protect you, He is your shepherd and your shield. He will comfort you and strengthen you, He is your peace and your joy. He will heal you and restore you, He is your hope and your salvation
Lord Jesus, I will follow You wherever You go. You are the way, the truth, and the life, You are my Lord and my God. You have called me by name, You have chosen me as Your own. You have loved me with an everlasting love, You have died for me on the cross
Lord Jesus, I will follow You wherever You go. You are the king, the priest, and the prophet, You are my leader and my teacher. You have given me Your authority, You have anointed me with Your gifts. You have spoken to me Your promises, You have revealed to me Your will
Lord Jesus, I will follow You wherever You go. You are the alpha, the omega, and the amen, You are my beginning and my end. You have created me in Your image, You have redeemed me by Your grace. You have prepared a place for me, You will come again for me.
I: The Infancy Narrative
Matthew 1:18-25
III: Oracles in the Last Years of Jerusalem
Jeremiah 23:1-8
Second Book of Psalms 42-72
Psalm 72:1-20
December 18, 2023, 7:29 AM