Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Turn the Word into Work


July 05, 2023

Whoever then relaxes one of the 
least of these commandments and teaches men so, 
shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; 
but he who does them and teaches them 
shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
MATTHEW 5 : 19

Each and every word of the Lord as written in the sciptures will never stop until it is acted upon. You  can only follow God through humility and by seeing His work in the little things. 

Today, the Lord speaks about "Humility at work". True greatness is not founded on one's strength and power but in his meekness and humility. Be humble in all your works and business undertakings. To be the least is the greatest of all.

Jesus always comes to you in humility, but because your hearts are hardened or full of pride, He works through the mundane events of your life. 

Acknowledge the truth that like a child, you are completely dependent on the Lord. You live by God's grace alone and you can not possibly live without Him. Your faith rests upon the powers of His mighty hands. 

God continues to work wonders over your life each day that always make you happy, content, and fulfilled. You no longer need the praise and recognition of others but you heart rejoices whenever the Lord is praised and glorified. 

With all humility of heart and full of gladness and gratitude, always give glory and praise to God in Jesus Name!