Monday, July 3, 2023

Believe and Be at Peace


July 03, 2023

“Peace be with you.
Have you come to believe because you have seen Me? 
Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” 
JOHN 20 : 26,29

There is always something about God that remains a mystery. In science, we say, “To see is to believe.” In faith, the reverse is true: “To believe is to see.” Faith is to believe in things not seen, heard, touched, or felt. 

Today is a day set by the Lord for you to believe and be at peace with full hope and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who is always near you. He is your peace who shall bring to fulfillment all that was promised to you, most especially your own dwelling place. Let the peace of God reign in your heart and mind through Christ.

We are all doubters in varying degrees. We are skeptic of the things we do not see, hear, touch, or smell. We always operate through our senses. 

Of course, we need signs to believe; we do not believe out of nothing. God gives us the grace to believe. Our senses still have their uses. They provide us with reasons to make that leap of faith. Doubt will not be a major problem if the person is open to the truth. Truth has the  power to eventually bring a person round to it.

“My Lord and my God!” is a profession of faith. We are encouraged to exclaim it like Thomas when the priest presents the consecrated Host before we receive it. In essence, we are saying, “I believe You are present here and now, Lord. Help my unbelief for me to see Your glory.”

Seek to strengthen your faith through prayer and meditation on the Word of God.