Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Work with the Lord


June 20, 2023

Therefore, the Jews began to persecute Jesus 
because he did this on the sabbath. 
But Jesus answered them, 
"My Father is at work until now, so I am at work." 
JOHN 5 : 16-17

The Word of the Lord nourishes you day by day and it is His way of guiding you in all your undertakings. Set your eyes upon the Lord and all things shall be clear and bright.

Today is the day set by the Lord for you to make all things simple. All the things that you desire will come true if you have clearly identified its source and work your way from there. You must be attached to the vine and to the root for you to grow as a branch. 

This brings you to examine yourself further regarding your relationship with others, focusing primarily on how you perceive others based on your own self-imposed standards viz-a-viz the word of truth. 

A way to be sure that you will not make the wrong move and eventually be caught off hand of its repercussions is "the analogy of the mirror" as the Lord prescribes. Look first at yourself in the mirror before making any judgments on other people. The underlying truth is that you may not like what you will see when it comes to your own deficiencies.

Face to face with the truth, God's word will move you either to shape up or shut up. The truth is "all you do will eventually bounce back to you". This is the universal law of "cause and effect". There is always a reward for good deeds done but there is also a price to pay for any wrongdoing. 

Always be on guard. As you face the challenges, battles, and storms in life be sure that your line of defense will not be penetrated. Otherwise, instead of conquering other territories, you may end up  loosing your own.