Friday, June 28, 2024

Take Action According to God's Plan


June 28, 2023

Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without 
revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets. 
AMOS 3 : 7

God works in accordance with His plan. Works are hard to accomplished most especially in meeting deadlines if you do not have an effective workplan.  

Today is the day set by the Lord for you to plan your course of action regarding priority works at hand. What you do not have today can be yours tomorrow if you plan well and work for it.

In Christ, your journey is always to go up, moving forward and not backwards. The Lord always draws you clear to whatever you need to know and understand so that you may avoid encountering any problems. This is His way of ensuring that you continue to grow and develop.

As you continue your journey, always be mindful to seek the Lord's presence in you. Jesus is with you all the way and He will remain present in anywhere you serve. 

Amidst the storms in life, there comes a great calm by just being with the Lord. Calm that totally removes all yours fears and worries. Calm that is brought about by your faith that God will never abandon you nor allow you to perish. He alone can calm the storms in your life.

Rejoice and thank the Lord for all the good works that He has done in you. He made everything clear and bright for you to win in all your battles. He has raised you up and preserved you from going down the pit. Your painful sufferings are over, the Lord now wants you now to be happy all the days of your life in the world.

June 28, 2023, 10:17 AM