Saturday, June 29, 2024

Build the Lord's Church in the Hearts of the Poor

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And so I say to you, you are Peter, 
'and upon this rock I will build my church, 
and the gates of the netherworld 
shall not prevail against it. 
MATTHEW 16 : 18

The Lord gives you the authority to administer the works at hand with proper and good governance. Like Peter, He made you solid as a rock so that in you, He can build His church. Nothing can ever prevail on what the Lord had built. 

Leadership and authority comes from God alone. Two distinct qualities of leadership is identity and responsibility. When the Lord anoints you for a specific purpose, He gives you these two qualities. Authority is defined with a clear line of accountability depending on the nature of its task.

Jesus is the heart that God the Father has placed within you. He fills you with His love and compassion so that you may be moved to help those who are in need. Work for the poor and needy by way of unselfishly helping them and giving yourself in service to them. It is not the material offering that matters to God but your heart of giving and sharing.

A contrite heart and spirit that is humble makes you see the truth in whatever you do for the benefit of others most especially in times of calamities. This is where God the Father see Jesus in you. Speak the truth in love as an expression of your faith. The battle of faith is fought within and not outside. This it the truth that the Lord wants you to understand today.

Nothing can stop the Lord from making it all possible for you to go about the business that He had entrusted to you. God is not constrained by the obstacles we might put in front of His will in our lives. He can and will overcome them if He so desires.

Glorify God! God has demonstrated to you that He is in control of your life, and so, you have nothing to fear. God will take care of you.

June 29, 2023, 7:54 AM